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Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has emerged as a powerful approach to effectively engage target audiences and achieve remarkable results. This blog post explores the importance of ABM as a marketing strategy,...
According to Forrester research, 64% of buyers said they valued localised content when making technology purchases. In today’s interconnected world, businesses are expanding their reach beyond borders, targeting customers in...
Lead generation is merely the initial phase in constructing a thriving sales funnel. Unlock the full potential of your marketing strategy by mastering the art of lead nurturing. Boost your...
Understanding your target audience’s intentions and interests has become crucial for effective lead generation. One powerful tool that has emerged in recent years is Intent Data. In this blog post,...
Lead scoring plays a crucial role in content syndication, helping marketers identify the most promising prospects. This process assigns a value or score to each lead based on their engagement,...
Sales and Marketing are like cheese and wine, both go hand in hand and complement each other. As a Marketing Manager, you recognise the need for a strong partnership between...