Lead Scoring In Content Syndication

By Egle

Lead scoring plays a crucial role in content syndication, helping marketers identify the most promising prospects. This process assigns a value or score to each lead based on their engagement, fit with the ideal customer profile, and potential conversion. In this blog post, we will briefly explore the fundamentals of lead scoring, delve into best practices, and uncover valuable insights to enhance your demand generation efforts. So, sit back, relax, and let us embark on this enlightening journey into the world of lead scoring in content syndication.

The Basics of Lead Scoring

Lead scoring serves as a compass in marketing, guiding us to leads with the highest likelihood of conversion. It involves assigning scores based on factors such as engagement with your content, alignment with your ideal customer profile, and potential to become a customer. By understanding the basics of lead scoring, you can lay a solid foundation for effective prospecting. Only leads that score highly in your Marketing Automation Platform (such as Marketo, or Hubspot) should be passed over to Sales. CQLs (Content Qualified Downloads), MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads), should not score highly in the beginning as they are too junior in their buyer’s journey and might not be ready to speak with Sales just yet.

Unveiling the Best Practices

Before you begin scoring these leads, you must define the right criteria, key milestones and metrics the prospects need to reach before progressing to the next level of qualification. Begin by analyzing your ideal customer profile to identify key characteristics and behaviours. These may include demographic information, firmographic details, and engagement metrics that provide insights into a lead’s potential as a customer. Engagement includes, opening and responding to emails, clicking links, using CTAs.

Assigning Weightage and Thresholds

Not all leads should be scored equally in the beginning. By assigning weightage to different criteria, you can prioritize leads effectively. Determine which actions or attributes carry the most significance for your business and allocate appropriate values to them. Establishing thresholds helps differentiate between leads that require further nurturing and those ready for a sales conversation.

For example, an inbound content download, or an inbound form fill on your website should definitely be prioritised higher than a third-party content syndication lead, because you can safely assume that this person already knows about you and your brand, having found their own way to your website.

Nurturing with Care

Lead scoring is an ongoing process. Continuously evaluate and refine your scoring criteria as you gather more data and insights. By closely monitoring lead behaviour and preferences, you can adapt your nurturing efforts to meet their evolving needs. Regularly revisit your scoring model to ensure it remains aligned with changing market dynamics and customer expectations.

The key is to maintain balance and know, when is too much nurture. If you do not establish a scoring system, so you can prioritise active leads, you could end up sending them too much Marketing content, while your competitors are reaching out with a more direct approach, via their Sales team. As soon as you see more engagement, this is the time to get them in the hands of your trusted Sales team to start qualifying and booking discovery calls.

On the other hand, if you are handing top of funnel, unengaged leads to Sales too soon, you could burn through data quickly and ineffectively. This is just as dangerous as letting your leads get cold.

Exploring the Hidden Treasures

Every click, download, and interaction holds valuable information about your leads. Analyze their behavioural patterns to gauge interest, engagement, and intent. Leads who actively consume your content, attend webinars, or interact with your brand are more likely to convert into opportunities. By capturing and analyzing these behavioural insights, you can refine your lead-scoring model and prioritize leads accordingly.

Do They Match Your Ideal Customer Profile

To identify quality leads, it’s crucial to assess their fit with your ideal customer profile. Look beyond superficial details and evaluate factors such as industry, company size, and job title. This assessment helps ensure your efforts are focused on leads with a higher potential for conversion, because you know they are a perfect fit to your solutions. If you sell enterprise software which has a large set up cost and ongoing subscription fees, you likely won’t be interested in Small to Medium Businesses, and therefore won’t prioritise them as highly as your Enterprise Accounts. Consider utilizing data enrichment tools and third-party data sources to gather additional information that aids in assessing lead fit.

Integration with CRM and Marketing Automation

Integrating your lead scoring system on your Marketing Automation Platform with your CRM tools is essential for seamless lead management. This integration enables a unified view of your prospects and ensures efficient data flow. By aligning lead scoring with your overall lead management process, you can effectively track, measure, and nurture leads throughout the customer journey. Also, you can ensure that no valuable data gets left behind during the manual transfer from one system to the next. This will help all key stakeholders in these leads have a clear and detailed picture of each prospect, enabling the right kind of conversation, at the right time.


As we conclude our blog post to lead scoring in content syndication, we hope you’ve gained valuable insights into this strategic process. By understanding the basics, following best practices, and leveraging the hidden treasures of lead scoring, you can enhance your prospecting outcomes and drive demand generation success. So, armed with this knowledge, venture forth into the world of lead scoring, and may your path be illuminated by informed decision-making and fruitful conversions. Take a look at the below sources for more information!
