Intent Data For Lead Generation

By Egle

Understanding your target audience’s intentions and interests has become crucial for effective lead generation. One powerful tool that has emerged in recent years is Intent Data. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Intent Data, its various types, benefits for businesses, pricing considerations, practical applications, and how it can be integrated with Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategies.

What is Intent Data?

The behavioural cues and digital traces that prospective customers leave behind as they navigate the online environment are included in intent data. It gives you useful information on the intentions, interests and preferences of your target market. Marketers may better understand the client journey and how ready they are to interact with your business by analysing these signals. First-party and third-party intent data are the two basic categories under which intent data may be categorised.

Understanding Intent Signals

Intent Signals are specific behaviors or actions exhibited by individuals that indicate their intent to purchase. These signals can include website visits, content downloads, webinar registrations, email opens, social media interactions, and more. By monitoring and analyzing these signals, businesses can identify high-intent prospects and respond with timely and relevant engagement.

First-Party Intent Data

First-party intent data is collected directly from your own digital properties and channels. It includes data from website analytics, email engagement, CRM systems, social media interactions, and other sources within your organization. First-party intent data provides a personalized view of your audience’s behaviors and interactions with your brand. It enables you to gain insights into their specific interests, engagement levels, and purchase intent.

Third-Party Intent Data

The sources of third-party intent data are external companies that compile information from different media and web platforms. These service providers gather information from several websites and sectors, as well as website visits, content consumption, search terms, and social media activity. Third-party intent data provides a more comprehensive view of audience behaviour and may provide information about prospective customers who might not be in your current customer database.

Different Types of Intent Data

Infographic Intent Data

This type focuses on visual content engagement, tracking how users interact with infographics, charts, and other visually appealing assets.

Firmographic Intent Data

It concentrates on the attributes of a company, including industry, company size, revenue, location, and other firmographic details.

Technographic Intent Data

It provides insights into the technology stack used by a company, including software, hardware, and IT infrastructure preferences.

Benefits of Intent Data for Lead Generation

Improved Targeting

Intent Data allows businesses to identify and prioritize prospects who are actively seeking solutions similar to what they offer, resulting in higher conversion rates and better marketing efficiency.

Personalization and Relevance

By understanding the specific interests and needs of potential customers, businesses can tailor their messaging and content to resonate better with their target audience, thereby increasing engagement and driving conversions.

Streamlined Sales and Marketing Alignment

Intent Data enables sales and marketing teams to collaborate more effectively by focusing efforts on high-intent leads, leading to improved lead quality and accelerated sales cycles.

Optimize Lead Scoring and Segmentation

Leverage intent data to refine your lead scoring and segmentation processes. By incorporating intent signals into your lead scoring models, you can prioritize leads based on their level of engagement and readiness to purchase. Segmentation based on intent data allows for targeted nurturing campaigns and more tailored messaging.

Combining Intent Data with Account Based Marketing (ABM)

By integrating Intent Data with ABM strategies, businesses can align their marketing and sales efforts to target high-value accounts with personalized and relevant messaging. Intent Data provides insights into the intent and interests of key decision-makers within these accounts, enabling more effective and tailored ABM campaigns.

Pricing Considerations

The pricing of Intent Data varies depending on several factors, such as the data provider, data quality, volume, and additional features offered. It’s essential to evaluate different providers and consider the cost in relation to the potential ROI generated through improved lead generation and conversion rates.


Intent Data has emerged as a game-changer in lead generation, providing businesses with valuable insights into their target audience’s intentions and interests. By harnessing the power of Intent Data, businesses can optimize their marketing and sales efforts, enhance personalization, and drive higher conversion rates. Remember, understanding intent is key to success in today’s competitive business landscape.
